“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
Habits are unbelievably powerful! They can change our lives for better or for worse, and since they have this much capability, utilizing them for Christian growth should be a given. Over the next couple of months, we’re going to have articles targeted at specific biblical habits that can serve to enrich our walk with Christ. We’re beyond pumped that you’re able to join us!
However, before we dive into our new series, we wanted to add a disclaimer right off the bat: These habits will not save anyone. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. We are justified solely on the grounds of Christ’s death and trying to appease God’s wrath through our good works is unattainable and discouraging. These habits can and should enhance our relationship with Christ, but that’s all they’re able to do. Trusting in our habits to save us instead of trusting in what Jesus has done on the cross can quickly become a form of legalism.
Now just like exercising for twenty minutes every day is better than exercising for one hour once a week, applying these habits in small amounts consistently is better than attempting to perform these habits in large quantities seldomly. Growth and progress are most evidently seen when we, empowered by the Holy Spirit, continue to execute these habits daily even when life gets busy or challenging.
Philippians 2:13 reminds us, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.” When you’re new to the faith, or even if you’ve been a believer for awhile, the Bible can seem like a big to-do list. It definitely can be overwhelming and discouraging when we constantly fail to obey the commandments found in Scripture. It’s crucial to remember, however, that God didn’t simply give us a bunch of instructions and then ditch us. It’s the exact opposite, actually. God is the One who enables us to fulfill all His commandments, and He is the One who will help us establish new habits. God yearns to have a relationship with us and the habits He calls us to implement allow us to have a more intimate connection with Him.
We have a team of authors tirelessly researching specific biblical habits, and they cannot wait to share their findings with the rest of us! Mark your calendars, guys, the series starts on April 28th, and you will not want to miss it!