One of the great perils and at times source of frustration of youth is the constant striving for independence. From the moment of birth onwards the process of independence is an increasing part of our lives. We move from being entirely dependent on caregivers to being independent people who are themselves, caregivers. We are to move from always asking for things to be done, (feed me, clean me, give me), to doing it ourselves. This process of maturity is an essential part of our physical lives.

In our spiritual lives, however, this process needs to be reversed. From the moment of our birth, we are independent beings who need to grow in our dependency on God. Sin’s consequences in our lives cause us to be born independent of God and estranged from the God who has Himself given us life. The great act of spiritual dependence is the joy of becoming increasingly dependent on Him in all areas of our lives. I must move from an ‘I can do this myself’ attitude, to instead depending on God to work on our behalf. Prayer is an essential part of this increased dependence.

Digging Deeper

Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians teaches us what this increased dependency looks like. Paul instructs this church to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17). This instruction comes along with many other short instructions to the church:
Appreciate those who labor (5:12)
Live in peace with one another (5:13)
Care for those who are in spiritual need (5:14)
Live in a way that encourages growth (5:15)
Rejoice always (5:16)
Pray without ceasing (5:17)
Give thanks in all things (5:18)
Be discerning (5:19)
Abstain from evil (5:20)

A simple summary of the passage is this: as a follower of Christ be content in Him, be focused on Him and His people, be passionate about His glory, and be dependent on Him.

Live it out!

Praying without ceasing is a call to be dependent on God in all areas of life. The author is not intending that we walk around always mumbling to ourselves! They have special places for people like that, and these places come with padded rooms. But the author is instructing us to depend on God without ceasing. We are to move from selfish independence to humble dependence on God, seeking God’s guidance in every aspect of our lives. What we do, what we say, what we think, and what we desire is to be ceaselessly brought to the throne of God. God’s closeness is to be an important part of our lives. Spiritual maturity is essentially this: increased dependence on God and His word. It is what allows Joshua to move from an “overwhelmed young leader” (Joshua 1) to a “confident encourager” (24:14-15).

As young people, we should be asking ourselves the following questions:
Am I eager to hear from His word?
Am I submissive to His guidance?
Am I dependent on His presence?
Am I reliant on His power?

Let us all strive to become independently dependent on the One who alone gets all the glory.

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