2015. What made this year so special? I mean, did anything of significance really happen that year? For a 14-year-old […]
Author: Krys McPeters
“Bless your heart!” I’m sure you’ve heard this expression before, especially if you’re from the southern states of the US […]
Day 29: The ‘Guidebook’ to God’s Will
“It’s much easier to steer a car that’s already moving than one that is sitting still.” – Jonathan McPeters Thanks […]
Day 22: I Surrender
One of the hardest points of transformation starts right at the very beginning. Surrender. Surrendering your life, from what you […]
Day 17: The Culture of Christianity
When I was given this article to write about, I’ll admit that it seemed easy at first. Just reading the […]
Day 14: Everyone Has a Culture
You may or may not have heard these phrases used before: Culture is sinful. Jesus tells us to reject culture […]
Day 8: Worship As a Lifestyle
Close your eyes, because we’re going on a field trip. After weeks of anticipation for a concert, you are standing […]
Day 3: In View of God’s Mercy
If you could describe God in three words (I know that’s impossible, just do your best!) what would they be? […]
3 Steps to Fix Your Focus
Focus. A daily battle for a lot of people – including me. I have a tendency to be easily distracted. […]
By Teens, For Teens
I don’t know about you, but teenage-hood was (and still is) a pretty confusing time in life. There are times […]