I’ve had the unique privilege of growing up in an amazing home. My parents are godly, solid parents who—while they […]
Author: Christian Hanna
My Sin Only Affects Me
My sin only affects me. While these exact words may not have crossed your lips, this lie is one that […]
Cling to Christ
About three years ago, I decided to take my own life. I say that not to be dramatic or to […]
Precious Life, an Introduction
I logged on to Facebook today and was soon nearly brought to tears. On the right side of my screen, […]
By Your Side
Back several years ago—five or six, I think—my family began the process of adoption. We had already adopted three children […]
Perfect Timing
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, […]
The Return of the King
Here I am, sitting at my computer in an airport terminal two days before this article is set to go live and I have a blank page.
Incoming Wisdom
This month, our posts will still be geared toward teens/young adults, but they will not be written by teens and young adults.
I am Israel.
The purpose of this psalm is so that we will “set our hope in God and not forget the works of God” (vs.7)
Onward: Habits that Last (Day Thirty-One)
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the 31-day habit challenge! You may have missed a few days, […]