The Bible includes many different references to abiding in Christ, but sometimes this topic may seem confusing or even strange. It’s definitely worth breaking down this subject and learning what it actually means to abide in Christ, how it is taught throughout the Scriptures, and what abiding in Christ practically look likes.

What does it mean to abide in Christ

Abiding in Christ is a topic taught throughout the New Testament and practiced by Jesus’ various disciples and followers. We see it clearly stated in John 15:4 — “Abide in me and I in you…” The Greek word menō means to carry on without failure or stoppage. Abiding in Christ, by definition, is staying in Christ. It is continuing to live for Him and with Him.

How abiding in Christ is taught throughout the Scriptures

One verse that clearly explains how it is taught in the Bible is 1 John 2:6. It states, “Whoever claims to live in Him (God) must live as Jesus did.” (NIV) Abiding in Christ is living as Christ lived and following the principles and Biblical commands that He taught. Not only this, but we must also continue to live this way to truly abide in Him. Colossians 2:6 reads, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him,” (KJV) which clearly shows that we are to not only begin following Christ, but we are also to continue following Him in faithful perseverance. We are to adopt the Pauline mindset in Galatians 2:20: “The life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (NASB1995)

How we can practically abide in Christ

First, we are to be saved. Jesus said that He came so that we would “have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Obviously, without accepting Christ as our Lord and believing that He paid the penalty for sin and rose from death as the only acceptable propitiation for us, we cannot abide in Christ. Salvation comes first. Ephesians 1:3 says that those who have believed and trusted in Christ have received “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ”. Once we are saved, we begin to abide in Christ. However, this isn’t where abiding in Christ ends. After we are saved, we receive the Holy Spirit who works in us to will and to do His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13) We are to continue walking in the Spirit. (Romans 8:4) 1 John 3:24 then states that by doing that, we can know that Christ abides in us, and John 15:4 states that if Christ abides in us, then we abide in Him.

Live it out!

In conclusion, we have seen what abiding in Christ is and how it is taught in Scripture. We have seen what it means by definition and how we personally can abide in Christ and apply those Biblical truths. Now, the next step is to follow through and not only be hearers of the Word but doers also! (James 1:22)

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